The PSA 20.400 Autosampler complements the Millennium range of products and is supported by the Millennium software (version 1.08 and above).

Autosampler 20 400

Manufacture: P S Analytical
Model: PSA 20.400

It has a random access design which allows any pattern of vial access with priority vial interrupt. Standards and samples are held on a stationary table. The design includes an integral wash pot for minimal sample contamination and carryover. Automation: The PSA 10.820 Modular Interface seamlessly integrates with the PSA 10.025 Millennium Merlin or the PSA 10.055 Millennium Excalibur with the PSA 20.400 Autosampler and the entire system is controlled using the PSA SAMS+ Software. The PSA 20.400 Autosampler offers up to12 standards positions and sample trays for up to total of 75 positions. Optional sample trays for 72 to 180 samples are available.  We are aware that many people like the operation of the ASX 510/520 series autosamplers with 10 standards positions and trays for 84 to over 200 samples so we offer this as an alternative.