Flux offer ball valves of all sizes, pressure classes and
materials in accordance with client specifications from trusted

Our partner manufacturers are carefully selected and qualified. We deliver valves that are meeting the applicable NORSOK, ASTM, API and/or other relevant specifications with components from NORSOK M-650 certified foundries.

Dimensions: ½ Inch – 60 Inch
Pressure Classes: ANSI 150-ANSI 4.500, API classes
Material grades: CS, LTCS, SS316, Duplex, Superduplex and 6MO.
Special features: Metal-to-metal TC HVOF top-entry.


Tegning av turbinDIB Valves
Trunnion mounted
Side Entry
Top Entry
Soft seated
Metal seated
Double Piston effect
Single Piston effect
Stem extension