Industrial Cleaning


IKM Testing offers a wide range of services related to the internal cleaning of pipes, tanks and process equipment. We also offer cleaning methods to reduce the amount of liquids that must be sent for destruction. 

Tank Cleaning
We work actively to optimize our cleaning operations so that personnel entry into tanks is reduced to a minimum. We have extensive experience in vacuum cleaning, where waste is collected directly to mud tanks in a closed system. In systems with heavy pollution (scale, hydrocarbons, etc), we use steam with chemical injection to reduce the amount of liquid added to the system. 

Cleaning in Place (CIP)
We have many methods for cleaning on site, but one of the methods that provides the greatest benefit for our customers is our water treatment system. We filter contaminated liquid and separate water from contamination in order to reduce the amount of waste by up to 98%. Every year, we filter out more than 2 million liters of water, with such great purity that the water satisfies the requirements for dumping into the sea, a waste that would otherwise be sent for costly destruction. 

Chemical Cleaning
IKM Testing performs chemical cleaning of pipes, tanks, heat exchangers and other systems. We work actively with chemical suppliers and customers to remove deposits in a more cost effective, faster and safer way. IKM Testing is at the forefront of meeting increasingly stringent environmental requirements and pursues an active substitution policy.

IKM Testing offers most techniques for cleaning with water under high pressure. We have a high level of expertise in choosing the right nozzles, and adapt the nozzles to the system to be cleaned and the type and degree of contamination. For larger pipe systems, rotating hoses (rotofans) are used for optimal cleaning.

We also offer ultra high pressure cleaning (UHP 2700 bar). This pressurised water is used as a chisel to remove thick concrete from surfaces.

We also perform surface washing and down washing of installations using hot water washers.

LRA / NRS / Mercury Handling
Mercury is a widespread problem in the oil and gas industry. Over time, process equipment can accumulate large amounts of mercury. IKM Testing has extensive experience in removing mercury and radioactive substances from surfaces, and we have developed unique methods for removing mercury that have penetrated into steel and other materials. 

IKM Testing offers a wide range services for internal and surface cleaning methods: 

• Slop Cleaning
• Water Treatment
• Tank Cleaning
• Vacuum Cleaning
• Hydrojetting
• UHP Cleaning
• Cleaning in Place
• Chemical Cleaning

Kjemisk rengjøring Steam Spyling