As the energy sector continues to adapt and evolve to meet an ever-changing landscape, we see the increasing requirement for those within the industry to work together and think differently about reducing methane emissions.
IKM’s Methane Emissions Quantification (M.E.Q) Service has been developed to deliver quantitative methane emission measurements, at asset level, and at source level (direct measurement), using IKM’s three survey methods.
Aerial Survey Quantification (ASQ) - Asset Level
- Drone based site level methane emissions detection, identification, and quantification.
- Aerial emissions report provides clients with holistic asset emissions measurement, detailing localisation for all captured emissions sources.
- Aerial Quantification method can be used to determine a flare combustion efficiency value.
- Delivers OGMP2.0 level 5 top-down verification survey.
Source Level Identification and Quantification (SLIQ) - Source Level
- Identifies and quantifies methane emissions by sweeping a sample wand around the components such as flanges/connections / valves.
- Identifies raised emission levels quickly and efficiently from various source components, allowing comparison of the biggest sources onsite.
- Incorporates IKM’s patent pending survey technology to provide emission quantification measurements with high levels of precision and accuracy for each component.
- Improved accuracy achieved by isolating the component from weather and variable background methane levels, enabling source specific Emission Factors (EFs) to be determined.
IKM Operational Project Solution (I-OPS) Software
- IKM’s analytical software platform, used to collect, assess, and collate data for SLIQ measurement methods.
- Upfront engineering identifies and uploads all source components into the I-OPS source-based register.
- Sampling regime agreed with clients to avoid the need to sample all components. Consideration is given to ease of access when selecting components to be measured.
- Sampled component emission measurements captured within I-OPS are extrapolated to provide an accurate estimate of component specific EFs, allowing an accurate methane emission figure to be determined for an asset.
- Recording data from future periodic surveys within I-OPS allows emissions data, to be tracked, and trended over time, both at a source and asset level.
- Software is highly customisable allowing for bespoke dashboard reporting.
- I-OPS data downloadable into Microsoft Excel.
Asset modelling, combined with the survey methods, come together to form an overall service addressing all levels of the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) 2.0 reporting framework.
This framework promotes improved accuracy and transparency of methane emissions reporting. The framework has been developed to provide confidence to all stakeholders that harmful methane emissions are being responsibly managed by participating companies.
As of January 2024, 120 companies representing over 30% of the world’s oil and gas production have joined the partnership.
IKM’s M.E.Q Service offering allows for all 5 of the OGMP2.0 levels to be achieved:
Levels 1, 2 and 3 will be achieved by evaluating current emissions reporting practices already employed onsite. Our emissions specialists will then develop a comprehensive register of all potential source elements within IKM’s I-OPS software platform. Established industry Emission Factors (EFs) will be applied to all source elements, forming the baseline for the asset specific methane emissions model and providing a complete OGMP2.0 compliant report.
Level 4 can be supported through IKM deploying Emissions Specialists to site to perform direct source measurements using IKM’s Macro and Micro Quantification survey methods. Direct source measurements taken onsite will provide component specific EFs, with data automatically uploaded to IKM’s I-OPS software where survey emissions data is incorporated into the asset’s specific methane emissions model, providing improved accuracy and reliability in reported data.
Level 5 (Gold Standard) IKM, along with our technology partners, will perform an aerial site methane quantification assessment to reconcile level 4 measurements. Alongside site level emission estimates, this will provide a complete and comprehensive overview of an asset’s methane emissions performance.
Over time it should be possible to correlate the readings from aerial surveys with direct measurements providing a reliable and verifiable emissions figure from aerial surveys alone.