IKM Testings’ Process department works with their clients to deliver a broad range of topside services. With the use of an expansive equipment catalogue, IKM can work with their clients to tailor these service lines efficiently and effectively, while utilising innovative products.
The services IKM offer through this department are categorised as Process services; Pipework’s & Vessel Cleaning; Bolting Services; Inspection & Repair. In addition, each category includes a multitude of products, managed by our highly skilled team members who hold years of industry knowledge.
Services Include:
Process Services:
- N2 / He Leak Testing
- Pipe Freezing
- Foam Inerting
- Nitrogen Services
- Equipment Rental
- Procedure Development
Pipeworks and Vessel Cleaning:
- Steam Cleaning
- Hot Oil Flushing
Bolting Services:
- Bolting Software
- Hydraulic Tensioning
- Hydraulic Torquing
- Subsea Tensioning
- Flange Management
Inspection and Repair:
- In-Situ Flange Facing
- Clam Shell Cutting
- Flange Weld Testing
- Cooler / Exchanger Refacing
- Subsea Tensioning