Safety and Work Environment

We proudly Show-Off our Accident Statistics.

As a service business within the areas of offshore, refineries, CHP, the maritime, and wind turbines, IKM Ocean Team has grown together with the increasing demands of safety.

For instance, long before IKM Ocean Team was active within the oil and gas sector, there has been a motivation to increase focus on preventing accidents, among others, due to the accident onboard Piper Alfa in the North Sea, back in 1988, where 167 people lost their lives. For many years, the final goal of the oil and gas industry has been zero accidents. Reaching this goal still applies to the entire industry.

In comparison to other Danish industries, this huge focus on safety has led to a major top position for companies within the oil and gas industry when dealing with safety matters. The business, as a whole, found out that safety is an advantage that benefits both companies and employees and that prevention, clearly, is the preferable cure. 

IKM Ocean Team References
Thriving employees perform well on the security statistics.

We, therefore, proudly show off the accident statistics of IKM Ocean Team, which, again, clearly indicate an improving development going from accidents that are more serious back in 2009/2010 to today’s less serious first aid accidents and a larger focus on accident prevention. In the same way, IKM Ocean Team spreads the ‘Zero Accidents’ culture to newcomers in the company. 

Former Ocean Team Scandinavia Accident Statistics from 2009 to 2016IKM Ocean Team References
Statistics based upon former Ocean Team Scandinavia data, before A&M to IKM Ocean Team.

Previously, we had a HSE Manager from one of the major players within the safety field, do a  pep talk about safety to all employees as a result of a limping attitude towards safety (use of protection, following safety procedures, rules etc.) seen during the APV round in 2011.IKM Ocean Team References

We still use some of the imagery from back then in our internal safety courses.

A steady program including a tour of the workshop with focus on safety and seven internal courses regarding the company history, vision, target, policies, safety, and handling chemistry is obligatory to all newly hired employees.

The employee’s “duty and right” to immediately stop what they are doing if they see a potential accident, is incorporated in all employee contracts. Within the course regarding safety, all newly hired employees are informed about IKM Ocean Team's policies and targets for safety, and furthermore, it is informed that every person is primary responsible for his/her own safety. Because of this information, everybody feel responsible for their own safety as well as for others - and it works.

Job Training
Training of new technicians occurs primarily by following a colleague that previously has obtained “instructor status” with the ability to train newbies. We have established guidelines for who can work together in pairs in order to avoid unexperienced technicians alone on a job.

IKM Ocean Team References
Learning experiences are imperative in safety work.

Common Sense
The IKM Ocean Team staff consists of very trained and competent technicians, who not only follow rules, procedures, and job descriptions. They also use their common sense to make sure that they perform their job properly and thereby, safely.

We have established a work environment organization, which in its 2. decade perform to obtain a great work environment. Through four yearly meetings, the organization go through current issues (around the table), accident status, nearby, absence, safety inspections, APV action plan, and legislation. The organization also deal with proposals for improvements from the synergy box. An office synergy box created for everybody to contribute with suggestions, observations, nearby etc.

Safety First
In 2016, the former Ocean Team Scandinavia had completed six years without working accidents. We all take pride in continuing this great statistic, and therefore, live by the phrase “Safety First”.

It is reassuring for the employees to know that IKM Ocean Team is making an effort to get everybody safely home to their families. Not only the employees benefit from a safe workplace, also have the owners and the customers benefited. OVERALL, IT IS A WIN WIN SITUATION.