Competitive on a Low Cost Market

IKM Ocean Team performs onshore gearbox oil change – in China.

Previously using 20 ltr. containers to change the, approximately, 500 ltrs. of gear oil in a wind turbine generator includes heavy manual work and risk of spill to the environment.

Competitive Solution to Oil Change
The SOCOT® principle was developed by Jens Peder Thomsen, co-owner and MD of IKM Ocean Team in the 1990’ies, as an answer to a customer demand for a safer and more efficient oil conversion on offshore WTG’s.

Today, IKM Ocean Team operates the SOCOTFlex®, a phase II development, and a significantly more competitive solution to oil change compared to 20 ltr. containers. – Even in low wage markets. IKM Ocean Team changes oil on 1 WTG every 4 hours, if conditions are right.

Oil change nacelle
Gear oil change on Huitengxile site

IKM Ocean Team hereby celebrates the convincing commercialization of oil change with the SOCOTFlex® unit, its obvious competitiveness, and the unit’s international breakthrough beyond the North Sea wind energy production: The Inner Mongolia.

Hoisting pump
Hoisting in a GE WTG on site.

Transport SOCOT Flex
Transport of the IKM Ocean Team SOCOTFlex ® unit

Windfarm: Inner Mongolia Huitengxile Wind Farm
Operator: Beijing Jingneng New Energy Co. Ltd.
Number of turbines: 154 in total
Turbine type: GE 1.5 SLE
Distance from shore: on shore