The emergency generator system keep turbines warm and lit, and prevents condensation or ingress of saline mist in offshore wind turbine generators.
Saline mist on offshore substation can cause diesel plague.
Water in Diesel
A client was troubled by water contamination in the diesel of two 60m3 tanks out of four tanks in a diesel emergency system on a substation placed on the German continental shelf. 5m3 diesel from one tank was disposed off and the tank mechanically cleaned.
60m3 diesel was treated with a chemical biocide injection in an online system including pipes and pumps in the treatment process.The tanks were mechanically rinsed demanding personnel operating in confined spaces and in an ATEX environment including additional safety equipment.
Sludge Clogged Filters
Diesel plague can occur when water and diesel are mixed. The anaerobic microorganisms feed off the carbon content in the diesel and multiply in water. The resulting sludge clog filters, risking system failures.
Rapid Result
This is a known project type to IKM Ocean Team; a rapid reaction and a quick customization of the solution to the clients condition ensured the performance. The client was saved for the costs of system filters. Using a biocide type combustible in a diesel motor, IKM Ocean Team also saved the client the 60 m3 of diesel originally infected. Leaving the venue, the emergency generator on the substation was analysed free from bacteria and a reduced delta P value indicated a clean system preventing engine failure.