Manned and un-manned substations are dependent on functional sewage, fresh water, and drainage systems. Cleaning and preventive maintenance of these systems are offered based on hygienic and environmental issues.
Work on substations is subject to local conditions.
Fluid Transfer System Service Concept
IKM Ocean Team offers a unique liquid transfer package:
- Turn-key solution rinsing drain/sewage systems (CIP: Cleaning In Place))
- Turn-key solution disinfecting fresh water systems (CIP: Cleaning In Place)
- Total clean-up of diesel systems exposed to water bacteria (mechanical and chemical)
- On-site oil analysis program
Diesel generators, fuel systems, and tanks, may contain contaminated water and consequently experience bacteria growth due to bunkering circumstances, at fluctuating temperatures, salty environment, and unstable operation cycles.
IKM Ocean Team certified offshore supervisors are experienced in safe work in confined spaces and restricted areas, explosive atmospheres (ATEX), or with H2S gasses. Immediate and reliable system health analysis are enabled by our mobile analysis kit.
Mobile equipment are used for Cleaning-In-Place operations.
Clean Fuel and Water for Offshore Life
Both fuel for power supply or fresh water for human consumption are necessary for daily life, and a precondition for safety at remotely located offshore platforms.