IKM Code of Ethics / A Summary

About IKM Code of Ethics

IKM Group (IKM) is a privately owned company and its main office is at Sola, Norway
The purpose of our Code of Ethics (IKM-HMS-F-02A/IKM-HMS-F-02AE) is to create a transparent, sound corporate culture and to preserve the integrity of IKM by helping employees to promote standards of good business practice. Our Code of Ethics incorporates our core values. 

All employees (including temporary staff) and suppliers are required to comply with IKM’s Code of Ethics and other policies and guidelines. 

IKM works against corruption in all its forms including extortion and bribery.

Rules and legislation
IKM works to comply with all applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations in the country, which we operate.

Confidentiality and privacy
IKM works to protect the confidentiality of company information. Processing of personal data should be limited and subject to care and awareness, which is required according to law. 

Human rights
IKM support and respects the protection of Human rights (ref. https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/). Any violation is totally unacceptable. 

Reporting compliance concerns
All employees (including our subsidiaries, affiliates and anyone who represents IKM or act on our behalf) who observe or become aware of a situation that they believe to be a violation of the Code of Ethics have an obligation to notify their immediate superior or a member of IKM management. All communications will be taken seriously and any reports of violations will be investigated.

We also have an external whistle blowing service handled by a third party (KPMG). Notifications to the whistleblower service can be made anonymously. To report kindly use the following link:

  1. Personal Conduct
    This code conduct to all IKM employees, suppliers, advisers, agents and clients. IKM is committed to a responsible business practices and to conduct business with the highest ethical standards. IKM does not accept any form of harassment, violence, discrimination or other unacceptable behaviour. 
  2. Equal opportunities
    IKM is committed to an inclusive work culture and shall provide equal employment opportunity and treat all employees fairly. IKM does not accept any form of harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, union memberships or veteran status.
  3. IKM on Ethics
    IKM policy requires its employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Employees must practice fair dealing, honesty and integrity in every aspect in dealing with others. Compliance with national, regional and international rules, laws and conventions is mandatory in IKM, but business ethics extend beyond simple compliance. 
  4. IKM and Labour
    IKM supports the freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. IKM support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, as well as the effective abolition of child labor.
  5. IKM and relations with customers, suppliers, competitors and public authorities
    Business entertaining and hospitality involving individuals representing IKM must be kept reasonable and proportionate and be done entirely for the purpose of maintaining good business relations and not to influence unfairly any future business decisions. The provision of gifts should be rare and aligned with company policy. 
  6. IKM and money laundering
    IKM is a firm opponent to money laundering in any form. IKM will take the necessary steps in order to prevent its financial transactions from being used by others to launder money.
  7. IKM and loyalty and conflict of interest
    IKM will require all employees to be loyal to it, and to refrain from actions or to have interests that make it difficult to perform their work objectively and effectively. Conflicts of interests should be avoided.
  8. IKM and integrity of corporate records
    All business records, expense accounts, vouchers, bills, payrolls, service records, reports to government agencies and other reports must accurately reflect the facts. The books and records of IKM must be prepared with care and honesty and must accurately reflect our transactions.
  9. IKM and proper use of company assets
    Employees have a responsibility to protect the Company’s assets from theft and loss and to ensure their efficient use. IKM assets are only to be used for legitimate business purposes and only by authorized Employees or their designees.
  10. IKM and social media
    Social media is changing the way we communicate, work, and live. IKM respects the right of employees to use social media as a medium of self-expression. Act responsible online and on social media, as an IKM employee you represent the company also online and on social media. Never take photos of your colleagues/superiors and post it online/social media without their prior consent.